I purchased the product, but I don't have an order number, or I haven't received the order for a long time. The shipping information shows inaccurately?

When you purchase products on Beinthevein, you will receive a confirmation email and order number. If you don't have an order number, please check if you purchased from another store and remembered incorrectly. Not receiving your order for a long time may be due to our high volume of orders leading to shipping delays, or logistics issues. In this case, you can first check the shipping inquiry window on our store page. If there is no shipping information, you can send us a message via email. If at this point you no longer want the product, you can apply for a refund. We have an in-depth cooperation with PayPal, so you don't need to worry about not receiving your refund. If you find the shipping information is inaccurate when checking logistics, don't worry. This is a system error and the discrepancy is irrelevant to the actual place of shipment. The error is caused by the e-commerce system using third-party logistics tracking functions, which may randomly display incorrect locations. But the order will show the accurate location in the United States after it is updated!

When Will My Order Ship?

Orders are usually processed and shipped within 3~5 working days of purchase.

How Do I Cancel An Order?

We are only able to cancel orders within the first 12 hours after the order is placed. After that the order has most likely been processed and is preparing for shipment or has been shipped. Once this takes effect, it's out of our hands. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we pride ourselves on prompt service and this includes getting your orders out as fast as possible.

What Is Your Return Policy?

If there’s something wrong with your order (defective product, incorrect order, damaged order etc.), please contact us within 7 days from receiving your order and we’ll be happy to assist you reviewing the case and if it is approved we will be sending a replacement. Please do not return anything before we review the case, our customer service team will review the request and will send further instructions. Beinthevein reserves the right to deny any return request.

What Methods of Payment Do You Accept?

We accept Paypal, Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express), Debit Card.